Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Picture upload!

It's been a while since I've posted, but we are in Leadore, Idaho and I am at the library, which means I can upload pictures!  The last stretch from Lima, MT to here I think is meant to remind a hiker that they are on the CONTINENTAL DIVIDE trail.  We left Lima Friday, and climbed straight up to the actual divide and have been rolling along it-up and down, ever since.  The divide here happens to be the Montana/Idaho state border andI believe we will stay along the border for another five days or so until we turn north east and stay in Montana for the rest of the trail.
  Like I said the divide is up high and the terrain has been difficult.  I feel like we've been on a steep roller-coaster. I like riding roller coasters, but feeling like you're hiking on one for over twelve hours a day is exhausting.  But we got a ride into town this morning at nine thirty and are taking the remainder of the day to rest before returning to the trail in the morning.
  Even though the last stretch was somewhat difficult, this area is beautiful.  We've been seeing lots of deer, elk and some moose.  Yesterday as we were hiking we saw some sheep coming over the hill towards us and  for over ten minutes we watched them, thousands of them, walking by us down hill to new vegetation.  We were told that they use this area for the sheep to graze, but I had no idea the numbers that were in one area! 
  We've been passing a lot of sobo (southbound hikers) in the last week or two.  I think we've counted fifteen who are headed south so far.  These hikers start in Glacier in mid June to early July and will not reach Mexico until probably November.  It's been great to meet them on the trail, hear their stories and swap trail info anout water, terrain etc.
  The pictures below are from the Wind River Range in Wyoming, until now. Enjoy, the Winds were beautiful and there are some neat pictures from Yellowstone too.
Heading into the Winds- Little Sandy Lake

 Day 1 in the Winds

Bull moose by Lonesome Lake

 Near Cirque of the Towers




Leaving the Winds
The Green river-appropriately named

BIG CDT sign!
                                               The cabin we stayed in at Lava Mtn Lodge

                                                              Welcome to Yellowstone

This creek was fed by geysers and hot pools so the water was really warm. Perfect spot for morning coffee!

                      How to eat like a thru hiker!! InYellowstone at Old Faithful Village

                                                         The famous Old Faithful geyser

Welcome to Idaho!

Just another grizzly print-next to size 11 mens shoes!
                                               Hiking along the divide- ID/MT border

Lots of sheep near the divide





1 comment:

  1. Congrats. Im sure it feels amazing to be finished with such a big accomplishment. -BFJ
